Diamond and Rust: 我的青春腳步
⊙ 我的青春腳步(台北/台大法學院,2008.01.05)
那時學運的戰火並沒有燃燒到這裡,徐州路口或那裡,一排楓樹死守夏天最後的據點,秋蟬對我說,這些西風經手的衰亡。蝴蝶的彩翼以寫詩的姿態靠近,你問起我春樹的名字,不知怎麼回答於是我就瘋狂地笑了。想像你和我,從校總區坐0南公車來此,就成為多聞闕疑的青春時期我們燃燒生命的避風港,為的是到經濟系上課,誓死不願聽懂的資本主義經濟學。總是坐在第十六教室外,拿起禁書一八四四經濟學哲學手稿,按住從杭州南路吹來的倫敦思念,堅持不讓風吹到那頁就讀那頁,從這裡開始,逐步進入一個不忍揭的風雪世界:異化。剝削。剩餘價值。產業後備軍。革命。著實孤獨,相對於教室裡書空咄咄的數學曲線,與上課必須起立敬禮坐下的傳統,破了一個洞的受傷天空,瞥見雨雪其霏的端坐。多麼希望自己也是其中一員。安於可以放書包的老式課桌椅屏氣凝神抄筆記(或許鎖住的裡面還有我用小刀刻滿的字句),用優雅的聲調說著消費者偏好與高度均衡陷阱。安於想像世界裡的比肩散步,豫溪南岸微微泛白的江渚,一朵蘆葦花,流放在雨中,昨天我還這樣感覺。安於三菜一湯的心情。但你說,在這運動化外之境的域土並沒有浪漫的權力。多麼寧靜。錦鯉悠遊依舊的弄春池。長高一倍的檳榔樹。日本台北帝國大學巴洛克風建築的遺緒。曾為我困惑與欲生欲死的種種,這時仍然安於自己該有的精神性。背著畫架去找尋陽光,把法學院三個大字打個大X,揮霍理性,以線條與色塊造訪強烈颱風眼裡的劉其偉與小紅鳥。We have got nothing but time. 而昨天我還走過,時常心跳的街衢,徐州路口或那裡,一排楓樹對我說,那些西風經手的衰亡,在戰亂中萌芽。鑽石與鐵鏽。不再是那麼有鄉愁了。我的青春腳步,吶喊著無人能懂的流離。流離。流離。微轉的星是靜泊的塵。燃燒的青春午夜曳航此後不再有我。進入校園就哭了出來的成為泛白的記憶說我的詩若寫得不好也沒關係,只要記得 Diamond and Rust,和那首老歌。 (2008.01.05)
原唱者Joan Baez 的 video:
Well , I’ll be damned
Here comes your ghost again
But that’s not unusual
It’s just that the moon is full and you happened to call
And here I sit, hand on the telephone
Hearing a voice I’d known a couple of light years ago
Heading straight for a fall
As I remember your eyes
were bluer than robin’s eggs
My poetry was lousy, you said
“Where were you calling from?”
“A booth in the Midwest”
Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinks
You brought me something
We both know what memories can bring
They bring diamond and rust
Well, you burst on the scene were already a legend
The unwatched phenomenon
The original vagabond you strayed into my arms
And there you stayed temporarily lost at sea
The Madonna was yours for free
Yes, the girl on the half shell
Could keep you unharmed
Now I see you standing with brown leaves falling all around snow in your hair
Now you’re smiling out the window of that crummy hotel over Washington Square
Our breath comes out white cloud mingles and hangs in the air
Speaking strictly for me
We both could’ve died then and there
Now you’re telling me you’re not nostalgic
Then give me another word for it
You who’re so good with words and at keeping thing vague
Cause I need some of that vagueness now
It’s all come back too clearly
Yes , I love you dearly
And if you’re offering me diamonds and rust
I’ve already paid