Professor Stone SHIH: Virtual museum honors folk singer Hung Yi-feng(Taipei Times)

Taipei Times
Virtual museum honors folk singer Hung Yi-feng

Staff Writer, with CNA

A virtual museum documenting the life and creations of Taiwanese singer-songwriter Hung Yi-feng (洪一峰) — at  — provides visitors a glimpse into the world of one of Taiwan’s most famous musicians.


Dubbed “the king of Formosan song,” Hung, born in 1927, had a deep, resonant voice and was a prolific musician.


His debut song, Butterfly Infatuated with Flower, which he wrote at the age of 19, catapulted him to fame. Other classics, such as Memories of an Old Love and The One I’m Missing, are still KTV favorites.


Hung died of pancreatic cancer last year.


用戶插入圖片However, thanks to the Hung Yi-feng Virtual Music Museum launched by Soochow University professor Stone Shih (石計生) and sponsored by the National Science Council, some of his most familiar tunes can be heard online.


“One of the special features of the online museum is that viewers can stroll virtually through each of eight sections in a 3D, sphere-like environment, something that has never been seen before in Taiwanese museums,” Shih said.


The museum allows viewers to listen to 40 classic songs composed by Hung, view 50 pictures of him and see an short animated film.


Shih, who works in the field of geographic information system (GIS) technology, said he first met Hung in 2008 and was touched by the spirit of the artist. In 2009, one of Hung’s sons, Hung Jung-liang (洪榮良), approached Shih about helping establish a digital museum featuring his father’s work.


The virtual museum will be given an English interface if the project receives more funding from the council, Shih said.





陳君玉(1906-1963, 台灣歌謠作詞家,新文化運動左翼作家, 照片來源:南台灣留聲機音樂協會)




石計生 / 東吳大學社會系副教授

音樂能夠穿越歷史脈絡情境,跨越政治鴻溝以及社會民情等藩籬在異鄉之地形成與原生地不一樣的文化力量。這種文化力量能夠引起共鳴,我將此種能夠引起共鳴的力量定義為「鄉愁」(nostalgia, homesickness) ,若將「鄉愁」指涉為「一種到處尋找回家的感覺」的話,那麼臺灣歌謠從日治迄今,就有源遠流長的找尋臺灣主體性的歷史。




戰後臺灣歌謠曾經盛極一時,陳君玉等開啟的傳統以「混血歌」之姿延續,這個詞彙的出現要「感謝」1960-70年間國民政府的推行國語(北京話)、歌曲審查與歌星證等迂迴壓制臺語流行歌的政策。「混血歌」一詞多指戰後翻唱外國歌曲之臺灣歌謠。不過,在我釐清日治時期臺灣歌謠發展概況後,更認為「混血歌」之定義及其內涵是具有時代演進之面貌。也就是說,「混血」一詞以及其現象更應該複雜定義之。一如我近年來所致力深入研究的洪一峰與紀露霞為例,發現兩人在生命史以及其外在時代脈絡、演唱曲目上相互參照,可窺得戰後初期,雖然臺灣歌謠走向「準全球化」─在經濟尚未達到真正全球流通,戰後初期政治上對於音樂流行控制、法律規範尚未制度化的1960年代,卻能在文化上多方面、多元化地吸納各國、各地的音樂曲目且以臺語為主唱出的過程─而呈現百花齊放的面貌:「日歌臺唱」、「美歌臺唱」、「中歌臺唱」、臺灣民謠新唱,甚至自行創作演唱。這些活活潑潑的通過多元來源的歌唱的第二次「尋找回家的感覺」,與其說因為「混血」而喪失主體性,倒不如說臺灣的有容乃大地以臺語為中心,吸納各方音樂泉源而形成自己特殊鄉愁與音樂風格。因此,臺灣歌謠雖然面臨政治現實作用下走向地方化與邊緣化,我認為,有一種「隱蔽知識」(hidden knowledge)─音樂人是有可能經由揣摩現實的風向而「迂迴地」展現其主體歌唱意志─而繼續延續鄉愁的追尋。





Focus Taiwan 報導石計生教授主持之洪一峰虛擬音樂博物館

石計生教授接受中央社訪問,在英文報紙 Focus Taiwan 闡述建構洪一峰虛擬音樂博物館的過程

Virtual museum dedicated to local singer-songwriter goes online

2011/04/19 21:19:06

Taipei, April 19 (CNA) A virtual museum documenting the life and creation of Taiwanese singer-songwriter Hung Yi-feng is now available online, providing visitors with a glimpse into the world of one of Taiwan’s most representative musicians.


Dubbed “the king of Formosan song, ” Hung, born in 1927, was blessed with a deep, resonant voice and was a prolific musician who is familiar to middle-aged and elderly Taiwanese-language music fans.


His debut tune “Butterfly Infatuated with Flower,” which he wrote at the age of 19, sprung him to fame, and other oldies he composed such as “Memories of an Old Love” and “The One I’m Missing” are still very popular among patrons of local KTVs. The musician died of pancreatic cancer in 2010.


Now, however, thanks to the Hung Yi-feng Virtual Music Museum (洪一峰虛擬音樂博物館)launched by Soochow University Professor C.S. Stone Shih(東吳大學石計生教授) and sponsored by the National Science Council (NSC) , some of his most familiar tunes can be heard and remembered.


“One of the special features of the online museum is that viewers can virtually stroll through each of eight sections in a 3-D, sphere-like environment, something that has never been seen before in Taiwanese museums, ” the professor said in a telephone interview Tuesday.


The museum allows viewers to listen to 40 famous songs composed by Hung and see some 50 pictures of the artist, as well as an animated short film.


Shih, who works in the field of geographic information system (GIS) technology, said he first met with Hung in 2008 and was very touched by the spirit of the artist who contributed such a lot to Taiwan’s music scene.


In 2009, one of Hung’s sons, Hung Jung-liang, approached Shih to ask whether he could establish a digital museum featuring his father’s work.


The virtual museum, designed using GIS, will be given an English interface and new innovative features if the project gains more funding  from the NSC in the near future, Shih added.(By Hermia Lin)


台灣珍貴音樂文化保存者:徐登芳, 林太崴, 潘啟明, 黃士豪與陳明章

這次在東吳大學舉辦這個台灣歌謠數位典藏會議,特別請來我過去長期進行台灣歌謠研究時,曾經訪談過後來都成為好朋友的幾位曲盤收藏界堪稱天王級的收藏家:徐登芳,林太崴,潘啟明,黃士豪與陳明章一起與會,將他們的部分壓箱寶,拿出來與大家共享。找他們的原因很簡單,因為他們五位都是願意無私分享,以發揚台灣文化理想為己任的台灣曲盤大收藏家。不像我曾接觸過一些在台中一帶的收藏家,不但利益至上金錢導向,還巧取豪奪他人的音樂收藏,連最近中央廣播電台某台灣歌節目裡的歌原屬潘博士等的曲盤放在網路上仍然被盜用,令人益發不齒。而那時我在會場,看到人山人海的聽眾聚精會神聆聽台灣歌謠的珍貴雅音,與我的朋友們播放與解說曲目時的專注神情,我知道,這是無價的一刻。最高興的是寶島歌后紀露霞與歌王洪一峰之子洪榮宏與洪榮良:紀老師邊聽這些自己都忘了唱過的歌曲邊回憶往事,洪榮良拿起錄音機錄下他不曾聽過的,他父親在台聲唱片錄下的青年洪一峰的山頂的黑狗兄。我知道,這是無價的一刻。作為主辦人,即使徹夜未眠,也覺得滿足。台灣歌謠的魅力不只是回憶,它將在可以見到的未來,有一個黃金時期等著我們盼望,與實現(石計生後記, 2011.04.19)









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