
中產階級文化的形成(1815-1914) 彼得 蓋伊(Peter Gay)著



通往未來的道路是位於別處。 –Peter Gay

曾為佛洛伊德立傳的彼得‧蓋伊(Peter Gay),這次又運用了精神分析的手法與其豐富的史學涵養與知識,以奧地利劇作家史尼玆勒(Arthur Schnitzler)的日記為引子,針對被公認生活風格為「拘謹」、「扭捏造作」的「布爾喬亞」(Bourgeoisie)誕生的時代,所謂的「維多利亞時代」,展開長達一百年的文化經驗的追索與重構。

對「維多利亞時代」的顛覆性的反省,蓋伊並非第一人,法國社會學家傅柯(Michel Foucault)在《性史》(The History of Sexuality)一書的開宗明義章節,早就以「我們是『另一類維多利亞時代的人』」直接挑戰資產階級的「壓抑假設」。但有別於傅柯,並非經由系統性的論證,本書所表現的是一種旁徵博引的合併同類項與精彩說故事的綜合能力,使得讀者在閱讀時能夠經由和自己現實生活相關的事項,如各章節所示的家庭、性愛、政治、焦慮情緒、宗教信仰、工作、生活品味、和自我追尋等,很容易地融入(雖不一定完全瞭解)作者所意欲鞏固的文化視野,即今日成為主流價值的,在全球普遍存在的中產階級是如何崛起與生活的。

「布爾喬亞」一辭的多義複雜性,使得本書一開始就必須加以細細釐清。「布爾喬亞」可以是「資產階級」(如馬克思的掌握有生產工具的階級的指涉),也可以是「中產階級」(middle class),其差別是在擁有一定量財富的金字塔的尖端或者底層而已。他們可能是富有的、有教養的、有權力、有聲望的,但其基礎不是來自封建世襲的貴族或仕紳,而是經商或者工作的資本積累,他們是作者眼裡等同於十九世紀的維多利亞時代的都市生活的重要特徵之一,「人數龐大、意見分歧和對立強烈」(p.5)。「布爾喬亞」作為一個充滿差異的複數存在,Bourgeoisie(s),也在不同的城市的氛圍中展現歧異的樣態:南轅北轍如英國曼徹斯特的衝勁十足類型和德國慕尼黑停滯類型的中產階級,其他城市如維也納、巴黎、倫敦、柏林等則混合兩種類型。可以這樣說,蓋伊所認為的「布爾喬亞」的內容豐富而多義,但生活形式上仍然可以找到「某種規則化的圖案」(p.42),劇作家史尼玆勒的日記所透露的,就是那些日常生活的有跡可尋,深具代表性的圖案。

中產階級的拘謹魅力首先展現在家庭之愛上。一切都是為了鞏固、增強「家」這個形式與內容。今日根深蒂固的中產階級的「小家庭制」,正是維多利亞時代人把它「從一個事實轉化為一種意識型態」(p.46)。史尼玆勒的醫生世家一家四口,那些針對他的交友、隱私權、生活態度、和未來職業選擇的父子衝突,都是中產階級的典型,因為再怎樣也逃離不了,維多利亞時代的布爾喬亞家庭「是一個人無法把耳朵摀起來的回音室」(p.57)。而蓋伊筆下患了「性飢渴」、「精神官能症」、「患了現代文明病:神經衰弱」(p.166)的史尼玆勒,當制約他的父親逝世之後,其日記中的與不斷更換的情人的性愛狂喜與荒涼的記載,提供了作者意欲重構十九世紀中產階級拘謹魅力的證據。他說,作為劇作家,「史尼玆勒的生活與作品念茲在茲的都是性,但卻是一種較為布爾喬亞類型的性。他的專長是不忠」(p.90)。而儘管比較奧地利、英國、與法國的性愛觀有著顯著的差異,史尼玆勒的對於處女的無比渴望,也是和我們這個病態的二十一世紀相互銜接的「處女情結」(virginity complex)的隔代象徵。


中產階級的趨向保守的政治態度與以資本主義為宗教的態度也是在維多利亞時代確立。托克威爾(Alexis de Tocquerville)在其名著《美國的民主》(Democracy in America)中的觀察十分鞭辟入裡,以中產階級為主流價值的民主社會,「其所剩唯一的熱情就是追求安寧」,以一種心安理得的看穿,史尼玆勒是一個和平主義者,「反對個人侵略性」與「鄙夷英雄崇拜」(p.133)。而十九世紀那像尼采(F. Nietzsche)一樣,紛紛對上帝發出訃文的論點比比皆是,轉而去投身像史尼玆勒的醫生父親所強調的「醫生的宗教就是人道」(p.205)的世俗人文主義就成為主流。在「律己」(p.253)、「工作是罪的防腐劑」(p.249)的信條下,信仰「工作的福音」,入世禁欲,累積資本,把經濟與工業的進步結合到福音書裡,一種理性的宗教,「一種沒有基督的資本主義:布爾喬亞基督教」(p.227)。蓋伊於書中也讓讀者瞭解,十九世紀的工作福音觀同時弔詭地產生了韋伯倫(T. Veblen)所謂的「炫耀式消



生涯天秤:放慢腳步 找尋生命平衡點

《生涯天秤》放慢腳步 找尋生命平衡點

■ 陳珮馨


忙碌 損失生活質感








速度 現代生活殺手


向「速度」宣戰的義大利人佩屈尼(Carlo Petrini),也是慢食運動的發起人,1986年,他號召慢食組織,抵抗麥當勞速食進入羅馬,呼籲回歸傳統飲食,用緩和的步調來培植、烹煮與享用食物。慢食很快成為全球風潮,在世界各地成立組織。




慢食 品嚐食物真味




不過,減速並不代表停滯不前,而是找尋自己的「正確速度(tempo giusto)」,簡單地說,緩慢哲學強調的是「平衡」,找到自己的步調,在工作和生活、勞碌和休息、急速和緩慢之間取得平衡、步步穩健。

平衡 保持正確節奏


The One異數宣言執行長劉邦初,儘管努力衝刺工作,卻不忘「慢活」哲學,尤其之前任職台達電子時,每天工作16小時,但他堅持每年要放一次15天特休假,利用這段時間出國旅遊、徹底放空自己,回到工作崗位後重新出發。




【2005/09/19 經濟日報】

生活換檔》慢半拍 人生更開闊











慢活 不假外求







【2005/09/21 經濟日報】 @ http://udn.com

@ http://udn.com


應外交部委託「國際土地政策研究訓練中心」(International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training)的「全球化下的永續都市發展」研討班之邀,石計生教授將於九月十二日(星期一)下午兩點至五點,至該中心以「全球化下的政府角色」(The Government’s Role in Globalization)為題,發表專題演講。



演講時間: 九月十二日(星期一)下午兩點至五點
演講地點: 桃園市中山路574號「國際土地政策研究訓練中心」
電話: 03-332-4622*518




The Government’s Role in Globalization

C.S. Stone SHIH
Associate Professor,  Department of Sociology
Soochow University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Sep. 12, 2005

Lecture at the International Center for Land Policy
Studies and Training, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Lecture Abstract


*The squeezing from more assertive global and private governance structures has created a hard time for the conventional form of public governance—regional and local governments—that are fixated to territorially bounded and functionally independent administrative entities.

* How the government responses to the global shift and impact? Is there still a ‘strong state’ to complete the policy-making by itself? Or is there a policy network of public and private actors? Or is there in fact a declining authority of state? That would be the key issue for elaborating the theoretical approaches in this lecture.

2.Globalization, Anti-globalization and Localization

*Globalization : Although there are many different views of point, following the theory of Castells(1997), I would say globalization began in the 1970s, the era that emerged the micro-electronics, computer, electronic communication/broadcasting, television, genetic engineering, and the sign digitalized technology. To make the definition of globalization simple and clear, we can say that globalization is a boundary-expanding process in an information society.

*What Elements Cross-Borders: There are six elements, including people, commodity, information, capital, value and behavior patterns, may be cross-border and flows into other places. As for the types of boundary, one is so called geographic boundary. It is a boundary limited by geography, such as country, county, region boundary etc. The other I may name it the super-geographic boundary. It is a boundary that geography fails to limit, such as internet, e-mail, and MSN etc.

*Anti-globalization: The standardized and normative power of globalization gradually erodes the traditional convention of places when the boundary-expanding process occurs in the world. The reaction to resist the ‘invasion’ of globalization means anti-globalization.

*Localization: A boundary-heightening process for protecting the local through local actor, group, community, local state, and institution. The boundary-heightening process may be radical or moderate in terms of the resisting or incorporate into globalization.

3. State Capacity in Globalization

*State Capacity: As for the government’s role in globalization, it refers to the discussion of state capacity in information society which including the surveillance of people, governing civic society, controlling economic activity and information flow, adjusting ability in facing cross-border trade etc.

*The Erosion of State Capacity in Globalization: But nation state, used to be the only and dominant actor for social time and space in a country, now is gradually weakened by global flows of capital, goods, service, and information. Challenging by multiple identities in the global age, the state eventually has to incorporate into the global and decentralize his power to the local for claiming the political legitimacy. It is clear to see that the ideology of nation state is falling apart in the competition of global Capitalism.

*Weakened State Capacity in a Country: the declining authority of state is in three parts(Strange):

(a) social security: for protecting the country away from violence or terrorism. The global flows of people, goods and information make the security difficult to realize in reality;

(b) financial institution: as a reliable way of unit of exchange profit and value and build up a free market. Again, the global flows of information and capital in computer make the digitalize exchange easy to be attached by cross-border business broker or hacker;

(c) social welfare: the government fails to take care of the powerless or minority in the country in facing the market in globalization.

*Weakened State Capacity Between Countries: globalization also changes the government’s role between countries. Globalization, the cross-border dynamics of people, goods, capital and information, eventually creates a new geography of power.

(a) globalization will locate at some real territory and create special mechanism (i.e., global city: spatial dispersed and control concentration)and process which are not recognized by traditional nation state; The rise of global cities (Sassen), such as London, Tokyo, New York, create a new modern economic space of spatial disperse and global integration. We may see those headquarters of multi-national enterprises aggregate in the global cities and the factors, branches spatial disperse in the Asian countries or the third world.

(b) globalization may cause new law system (i.e., deregulations)for managing complicate cross-border economic activity; One of the key issues is the discussion of deregulation of a country’s economic activity. State must have legal innovation subjectively or objectively for facing global spatial transformation. Some scholars think the deregulation, the change of law, may cause the partial lose of state sovereignty. For example, the condition for Taiwan to be WTO member is to change the domestic law for allowing foreign wine, cigarette, and agricultural product to import with low tax rate.

(c) globalization would create high speed economic exchange in electronic space which extend the geographic boundary very easily. Speed/ virtualization of economic space is a new variable for world trade in the global era. No individual or country could control technology or product but professionalize or incorporate by the practice of global control.

*The Fourth World, The Problems of Globalization: The government in a state is further weakened for the global network might detour from the state’s institutional control and create uneven development or poverty inside a country. But there is more than inequality and poverty in this process of social restructuring. There is also exclusion of people and territories which, from the perspective of dominant interests in global, information capitalism, shift to a position of structural irrelevance. This widespread, multiform process of social exclusion leads to the black holes of informational capitalism. A new world, the Fourth World, has emerged, made up of multiple black holes of social exclusion through the planet. The Fourth World comprises large areas of the globe, such as much of Sub-Saharan Africa, and impoverished rural areas of Latin America and Asia. But is also present in literally every country, every city, in this new geography of social exclusion. In the current historical context, the rise of the Fourth World is inseparable from the rise of informational, global capitalism.

4. Global Governance: The Positive Role of Government in Globalization

* SOAs: After 1970s, the era of globalization, the sovereignty has further been re-constructed. The world now is not so much a system dominated by states and national governments as a congeries of spheres of authority (SOAs) that are subject considerable flux and not necessarily coterminous with the division of territorial space(Rosenau). The traditional state authority is partially replaced by the SOAs. The SOAs, the sovereignty-free actors of the multi-centric world consist of multinational corporations, ethnic minorities, subnational governments and bureaucracies, professional societies, social movements, political parties, transnational organizations, and the like.

*The rise of Global Governance: New forms of multilateral and global politics have been established involving governments, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and a wide variety of transnational pressure groups and international non-government organizations (INGOs). Global governance, as Rosenau (2002) has shown, thus, is a global association in which the SOAs, including citizens, enterprises, advocacy group, communities, private interest and the state, organize to influence the conduct and content of global governance.

* The Models of Global Governance

(1)top-down governance: the government of nation state leads and also cooperates with the profit-oriented multi-national enterprises, and the international government organizations.

(2)network governance: without clear direction of association, the driving force of this model is from specific issues that bring all powers, including the government of nation state, international government organizations, and multi-national non-profit organizations, into agreement for cooperation.

(3) market governance: with clear profit-making purposes and mixture of official and unofficial structure, the model is a type of governance-by-market.

(4)mobius-web governance: with multiple-purposes and directions and mixture of official and unofficial structure, the model is like a mobius band (The Möbius band), without begin and end, non-orientable, overlapping structure of multiple power actors.

*Conclusion: Today, the state-centric world is no longer predominant. Due to the skill revolution, the worldwide spread of authority crisis, it has undergone a bifurcation of global structure. i.e., State-centric v.s. Multi-centric

*We argue that the necessity to consider the global governance, the positive role of government in globalization. I point out that there are four types of positive global governance for the state in today: top-down, network, market, and mobius-web governance.

*The rise of networks forms of organization means that power is migrating to diverse, small, non-state actors (i.e., SOAs)who can organize into sprawling networks more readily than can traditionally hierarchical nation-state actors.

*It means that whoever masters the network form stands to gain major advantages in the new epoch, including the government itself.

*Could global governance possible if there is no fundamental change of the US hegemony? Is international governance, as with globalization, is thus little more than a process of the Americanization of world order? With these doubt in mind, the government, associated with the SOAs, may have chance to contribute his power to make the country and the world a better one through global governance.

演講對象名單Name List

Name Designation/Office & Education Country

1.Mr.Roberto Alejandro Pasos
Deputy Mayor
Local Government
Associate in Business Administration,
Corozal Junior College Belize

2.Mr.Daouda Akabi
Senior Staff Member
Ministry of Finances and Budget
Master in Economic Sciences,
University of
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso

3.Mr.Klamong Sou Nguetour
Second Chief
Ministry of Territory Management,
Urbanism and Habitat
Master Chad

4.Mr.Lukas Zemanek
City Development Specialist –
Social Geographer, Environmentalist
City Development Authority of Prague
Ph. D. in Social Geography,
Regional Development,
Charles University, Prague Czech Republic

5.Mr.Hector Antonio Velez Andrade
Subsecretario de Ordenamiento Territorial
Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda
Diplomado in Foods de Infeccion, I
NHEM, Cuba Ecuador

6.Miss Ana Luisa Roque Valdovinos
Land Development Specialist
Viceministerio de Vivienda y Desarrollo
Urbano, Ministerio de Obras Publicas
Master in Environmental Administration,
UCA, El Salvador El Salvador

7.MissLigia Maria Perez Reyes
Urban Planner
Oficina de Planificacion del Area
Metropolitana de San Salvador (Planning Office)
Master in Urban Planning,
University of Maryland El Salvador

8.Mr.Kalilu Giteh
Principal Physical Planning Officer
Department of State for Local Government and Lands
Diploma in Town Planning,
Polytechnic The Gambia

9.Mr.Hadi Kuntjara
Senior Staff/Head of Profit Center
The Habibie Center
Master in Engineering Science,
UNSW, Sydney Indonesia

10.Mr. Atef Al Awashreh
Majoring in administration at Irbid College Jordan

Ereata Director of Lands
Bachelor in Land Surveying, Unitech, Lae PNG Kiribati

12.Mrs.Malgorzata Felczak
Head of City Development Division
Poznan City Hall
Master in Agriculture, Poznan University Poland

13.Mr.Sezgey Melchenko
CEO Tomsk Technology Transfer Center
Engineer, Tomsk State University Russian Federation

14.Mr.Alister Calvert Browne
Senior Technical Officer/Architect
Government of St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Bachelor in Architecture/Engineering,
Camaguey, Cuba Saint Vincent & the Grenadines

15.Mr.Cesaltino Vincente Vaz Fernande
Assistant for the Urban and Planning Land Area
Ministry of Infrastructure
Post Graduate in Urban Planning
and Environment Law, Coimbra University
Sao Tome and Principe

16.Mr.Khadim Gueye
Division Chief Experimental Center
of Research and Equipment
Docteur, Institute des Sciences de la Terre Senegal

17.Mr. Malick Thiao
Town Planner
Ministry of Town Planning and Architecture
Diplome in Land Planning, Ecole
National Horticulture Senegal

18.Mr.Harry Anisitulo Waitara
Senior Physical Planner
Department of Lands and Survey
Diploma in Town Planning, University
of South Pacific Solomon Islands

19.Mr.Thulani Edmund Mkhaliphi
Director of Urban Government
Master in Development Management
/Economic Policy, WITS University Swaziland

20.Mr. Apichart Chomboon
City Planner Department of Public Work,
Town and Country Planning
Bachelor in architecture, Chulalongkorn U
niversity, Thailand Thailand

21.Mr.Murat Kara
Assistant Planning Expert
Prime Ministry, State Planning Organization
Master in Geographic Information
Technologies, Middle East
Technical University Turkey

22.Mr.Vicent Kim-thong Wang
Sub-Division Chief
Department of Urban Development,
Taipei City Government
Master in Architecture, Chung-Yuan
Christian University, ROC ROC

23.Mr.Shih-Chieh Chang
EngineerConstruction and
Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior
Bachelor in Urban Planning,
Feng Chia University, ROC ROC




可以這麼說,這是迄今我所寫過的耗時最長,投注心力最多的書。社會學理論的書籍在台灣數目可謂不少,但是大多數是以外國學者的中文翻譯為主,國內學者自己所撰寫的並不多,本書算是少數中的一本。當兩年前老字號,聲譽卓著的三民書局編輯群至308研究室拜訪希望我撰寫本書時,秉持著長期在大學教授社會學理論課的經驗與學術研究的興趣,便欣然答應。在寫作風格上,我極力節制自己詩人的筆鋒;而以相對沈穩,邏輯論證清晰的方式導引文句但同時拒絕陷入令人打瞌睡的過度理性;也就是說,本書不是一本教科書,而是一本充滿個人文體風格的書,一本有創意的學術研究。本書是從一個台灣的社會學教授的角度,去旁徵博引把握整個西方思想的各種向度,並嘗試釐清各種流派的概念與立論基礎,凸顯每個理論家的特色。而在撰寫的過程中我發現,不論任何偉大的寫作者,事實上都無法將所有的社會學理論家納入書中,其原因除了必須顧及一本書的篇幅之外,還包括英美與歐陸的理論家間明顯的對峙,所造成的輕重取捨的各家說法都有所不同;這使得我在選取本書的理論家時顯得特別躊躇與謹慎,所求的是將最具代表性的理論家介紹給讀者,幾經變動,仍然不免割捨一些事實上十分重要的大家:如伊里亞斯(Norbert Elias, 1897-1990)、德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze, 1925-1995)和後殖民理論(Post-colonialism)諸重要理論家等。


去除掉屬於詩的與神秘經驗的部分,可以這麼說,這本鉅著的撰寫顯示了一個祖籍在中國安徽省宿松縣,誕生在台灣高雄縣橋頭鄉,長大在高雄市,在台北修完大學與碩士班,到美國芝加哥完成博士學位的知識份子的自我與社會的對話與反省。我的反省是,本書所介紹的諸多理論家雖然立論與派別有所不同,但是因為社會學的學科的特殊性,自孔德(August Comte, 1798-1857)以來是建立在對於工業革命與資本主義的反省與批判之上,即使到了當代的後現代社會,我們仍然看到各家理論閃爍著雄霸一方的解釋力。正是因為資本主義的力量全球化的擴散,其所建構起來的經濟、社會與文化意識型態具有某種基本的範型,這使得我過去所時常狐疑的由西方所建立的社會學理論如何對於我們的東方社會是有用的問題,因此得到適當的解答。我的看法是,凡是資本主義運作的社會型態中,西方這些理論家的理論就有某種解釋效力存在(不管是強調整體還是差異),台灣不例外,中國大陸不例外,整個亞洲,世界都不例外。但說實話,作為一個「為天地立心、為生民立命、為往聖繼絕學」的學者,運用西方理論解釋台灣社會現象並不是件特別令人高興的事;因為我總覺得總有些什麼東西,是超越了西方的視野與理論解釋力之外,屬於東方社會的特殊性(即使仍在資本主義社會架構下),被無情或刻意地忽略了。或許有人會說,目前被廣泛討論,本書所無法涵蓋的後殖民理論就是屬於這樣的一個「非西方」的理論反省的一種;基本上我是同意的,但相對於「後殖民」的殖民之後的文化研究傾向,我的企圖心是更為接近在於實證的本土經驗研究與理論的反省交織出來的新理論,這應該是包含對於社會的經濟與文化政治各方面的特殊性考察;舉例來說,我們如何拋棄西方理論橫的移植去解釋SARS、網路電話詐騙、外籍新娘、檳榔西施和援助交際等屬於台灣或亞太地區的近期發生的特殊社會現象?有沒有可能這些其實都和馬克思、傅柯和布希亞的理論無關,它們是嶄新到連過往諸思想家都不知道的東西,或者,有關但是無法完全解釋的東西。這個「本土的」、「東方的」或「非西方的」社會學理論的完成,我認為在寫完四十五萬字的西方描繪,看清一些理論脈絡與生成條件,在逐漸不崇拜這些偉大的逝者與續存者後,絕對是可能的,可能需要幾代的努力來完成「台北學派」或「濁水溪學派」的解釋東方社會特殊性,進而發現其普遍性而影響世界的社會學理論,我認為這是每個閱讀本書的讀者身受啟迪後心中應該油然而生的氣魄,也是身為學習社會學的知識份子捨我其誰的理論之路。


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