

用戶插入圖片106th American Sociological Association (ASA) Meeting


Open Refereed Roundtables
Schedule Information:

Scheduled Time: Sun, Aug 21 – 2:30pm – 4:10pm
Title Displayed in Event Calendar: Open Refereed Roundtable Session. II
Session Participants: Author names preceded by an asterisk * were designated as presenting authors during the submission process.

Session Organizer: John Stone (Boston University) 
Table Presider: Kimberly R. Manturuk (Univ of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) 
Contesting Urban and Rural Space in Desakota Regions of Taiwan– A Case Study of I-Lan County

*C.S. Stone Shih(Soochow University), Chien-Liang Chi (National Taiwan University)
On Precariousness: An Ethnography of Older Adults Living Alone in a Northern American City

*Elena Portacolone (University of Californnia San Francisco)
Rose-Tinted Glasses of Homeownership: Financial Perceptions and Realities during the Great Recession

*Kimberly R. Manturuk (Univ of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
The forging of bridging social capital in the rebranding of a rural community

*Michele Dillon (University of New Hampshire)



由東吳大學社會地理資訊系統(SocGIS)中心舉辦的「台灣歌謠數位典藏:紀露霞與洪一峰的流行時代」工作坊暨「洪一峰虛擬音樂博物館(http://www.musicgis.tw )」成果展示,當天盛況空前,人山人海,包括自由時報, 中視等媒體均來採訪。身為此次活動主辦人,我感受到與會貴賓與觀眾的熱情,深深覺得台灣歌謠生命力是那麼 深不可測,令人動容。而我最感謝的是這活動的工作人員:紀建良, 朱思樺,邱婉婷,周汝育,黃皓瑜,何瑪丹,蔡子岳,何旻杰,林訓民,劉曜瑋,帥宗婷,施啟勝,宋兆平,彭威皓,李昇璋,林耕平,蔡逸麒和張瞬傑等。老師謝謝你們的辛勞!讓這活動順利,成功(2011.04.17石計生後記)


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