

用戶插入圖片106th American Sociological Association (ASA) Meeting


Open Refereed Roundtables
Schedule Information:

Scheduled Time: Sun, Aug 21 – 2:30pm – 4:10pm
Title Displayed in Event Calendar: Open Refereed Roundtable Session. II
Session Participants: Author names preceded by an asterisk * were designated as presenting authors during the submission process.

Session Organizer: John Stone (Boston University) 
Table Presider: Kimberly R. Manturuk (Univ of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) 
Contesting Urban and Rural Space in Desakota Regions of Taiwan– A Case Study of I-Lan County

*C.S. Stone Shih(Soochow University), Chien-Liang Chi (National Taiwan University)
On Precariousness: An Ethnography of Older Adults Living Alone in a Northern American City

*Elena Portacolone (University of Californnia San Francisco)
Rose-Tinted Glasses of Homeownership: Financial Perceptions and Realities during the Great Recession

*Kimberly R. Manturuk (Univ of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
The forging of bridging social capital in the rebranding of a rural community

*Michele Dillon (University of New Hampshire)




◎ 那日應陳小紅教授之邀去政大演講,以校友身份,那是很奇特的感覺:波西米亞人的心靈,一路從高雄中學,台大經濟系,政大社會研究所至美國芝加哥伊利諾大學取得社會學博士學位回來,說我覺得自己真的歸屬什麼地方是從來沒有過的。我的歸屬感總是來自於曾為我授業解惑的老師們。這次,一次讓我再次親炙兩位恩師:教我都市社會學同時是我博士論文的指導委員會老師的陳小紅;與教導我社會福利理論的老師傅立葉。那天,我想我從來沒有這麼用力地將我過去十年間的社會地理資訊系統領域整理演講過:像是一種感恩,一種回憶,那對過去的啟蒙的禮讚。1995年出國,再一次與兩位老師見面竟是這樣的2010年。我由衷地被這樣的機緣觸動,留下了這張難得的照片,那時我的心裡忽然想起一組年少時的句子:「世界還在那裡,消失的只是我們的輪廓而已。」那天離開時,雨忽然就在動物園站捷運開駛時滂沱地下下來,雨,落在全世界的屋簷上(石計生後記,2010.03.30)。
