圓滿成功:「兩岸社會理論與文化」學術研討會 會議日期:2016年11月25日(五)
2016年11月25日,由東吳大學社會系,北京大學社會系共同舉辦,台灣藝術與文化社會學會協辦的「兩岸社會理論與文化」學術研討會圓滿閉幕。此次會議結合二十三位台灣與大陸的學者菁英 ,就社會學理論與文化研究領域發表精彩文章,吸引全台包括台大,清華,台師大,東海,屏東大學等超過一百三十名師生蒞臨會場聆聽,擠爆東吳大學外雙溪國際會議廳。現場討論熱絡,交鋒激烈,為台灣少見精緻,高水準的學術研討會。由於此次的成功,會後東吳大學社會系石計生主任(兼台灣藝術與文化社會學會理事長)與北京大學社會系張靜主任商議,未來將持續規劃,舉辦兩岸社會理論與文化研討會,增進學術交流。
東海大學社會學系藝術社會學研討會「審美的自我生成與社會構成」專題演講 2016.5.20
* 東吳大學社會系教授兼系主任,台灣藝術與文化社會學會理事長。cstone@scu.edu.tw.
Keynote Speaker石計生教授 (Prof. C. S. Stone SHIH)
時間: 2016.5.20(五) pm 1:30~2:30
地點: 東海大學學社會科學院 SS525 會議室
台灣高雄人、祖籍安徽宿松。美國芝加哥伊利諾大學社會學博士。現任東吳大學社會學系教授兼系主任,人文社會學院地理資訊系統創造力中心(GlS Creative Center)主任。南京大學社會系客座教授。台灣藝術與文化社會學會第二屆理事長。
研究取向: 藝術社會學、都市社會學、社會學理論與社會地理資訊系統。尤致力於60 年代臺灣歌謠的經典個案分析、粉絲文化、歌仔本與城市歷史地理探究,特別是流行音樂經典歌手與城市空間的數位典藏與探究;近年來將觸角延伸至30 年代的東亞,特別是戰後初期的日本與中國的上海,探討臺灣歌謠與日本歌謠的交織、東亞流行歌與華人社會的跨界交互作用與文化影響。
•現代詩集:《在芝加哥的微光中》(1999)、《海底開滿了花》( 2001)、《時光飛逝》(2003)、《完整的他者》(2006)、《孤獨的幾何》(2010)與《曙光》(2015)等。
•《地理資訊系統社會學》(儒林) (2000年)
•《社會學理論—從古典到當代之後》(三民) (2006年)
•《 閱讀魅影:尋找後班雅明精神》(南京大學) (2008年)
•《時代盛行曲:紀露霞與台灣歌謠年代》(唐山) (2014年)
• ﹤「歌謡、歌謡曲集と雑誌の流通:中野忠晴、「日本歌謡学院」の戦後初期
台日に対する文化を越えた影響」﹥, 林初梅, 所澤潤編, 日本東京三元社以『台湾のなかの日本記憶』書名出版(2016年3月)
科技部研究計畫RESEARCH GRANTS OF MINISTRY OF SCIENCE OF TECHNOLOGY, (Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C.)
2015.08-2017.07 王者流行之聲:文夏台灣歌謠跨界/跨語翻唱曲的社會文化意義探究:NSC 104-2410-H-031-025-MY2 行政院科技部專題研究計畫
2013.08-2014.07 實現大稻埕異托邦:無形文化之數位人文建置與探究:NSC 102-2420-H-031-003- 行政院科技部專題研究計畫
2013.08-2015.07 「歌仔本」裡的地下迴路:台灣歌謠粉絲行動管道與社會連結之探究:NSC 102-2410-H-031 -029 -MY2 行政院科技部專題研究計畫
2010.08-2011.07 「寶島歌王洪一峰虛擬音樂博物館」數位典藏計畫:NSC 99-2631-H-031-002- 行政院國科會專題計畫
2010.08-2012.07 台灣歌謠作為一種「時代盛行曲」:台北-上海跨界城市與媒介迴路流傳的社會文化探究:NSC 99-2410-H-031-061-MY2 行政院國科會專題計畫
2009.08-2010.07音樂作為一種鄉愁:台灣歌謠與民歌流行轉換之社會研究(1970-1980)(Ⅱ),研究計畫編號:NSC 98-2410-H-031 -020 行政院國科會專題計畫
2008.08-2009.07音樂作為一種鄉愁:台灣歌謠與民歌流行轉換之社會研究(1970-1980)(Ⅰ),研究計畫編號:NSC 97-2410-H-031-039 行政院國科會專題計畫
2000.12-2003.11『行政院國科會提升私立校院研發能量專案:東吳大學文學院人文社會實驗室—台北市士林地區人文社會變遷研究』子計畫一:地理資訊系統之建制與管理. 行政院科技部專題研究計畫
•石計生,2014.12,從德勒茲理論探究臺灣禁歌時代:歌仔本“根莖”生成變化 (1945–1990),《社會理論學報》,第十七卷,第二期,頁387-424,北京大學:《社會理論學報》編輯部。
•石計生,2013.07 ,從「新教倫理」談經濟全球化衝擊下的「儒家倫理」,《臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院院訊》,第八卷,第二期,頁33-44。
•石計生,2013.06 ,「疑難」少數與「地下迴路」邊緣:關於1930-60年代臺灣歌謠論述裡的意識型態,《台灣文學研究》,第四期,頁39-51。
•石計生, 2011.12,台灣歌謠作為一種「時代盛行曲」:音樂臺北的上海及諸混血魅影(1930-1960〉,《台灣社會學刊》,47期(TSSCI)。
•石計生,2011.3 ,東西有別:東台灣宜蘭城鄉混合都市化的社會空間探究(1996-2007),《社會理論論叢》(Journal of Social Theory)(CSSCI),第六輯,南京大學社會學院編輯部,中國大百科全書出版社出版(紀建良合著)。
•石計生,2010.03 ,「超現實」救贖之道:從本雅明寓言詩學到道家內丹學,p.147-191,《社會理論論叢》(Journal of Social Theory)(CSSCI),第五輯,南京大學社會學院編輯部,中國大百科全書出版社出版。
•石計生,2015.11,論戰後歌仔本與臺灣歌謠的日本連結:張邱冬松、中野忠晴及郭一男的貢獻,《藝術與文化社會學新論》(New Perspectives for the Sociology of Art and Culture)(雙向匿名外審審查專書), 台北:唐山出版社,p.97-130。
•石計生,2009.09《社會學》(Sociology) 台北:三民書局出版。
•石計生,2015.06,許石與郭一男,淺談「日本歌謠學院」對台灣的影響,台灣文學館通訊,第47期, 頁63-65,台南:國立台灣文學館。
•石計生,2013.04 ,臺灣歌謠的理想與現實,兼及「來聽歌吧!當台語老歌遇上黑膠唱片」策展顧問經驗談,《來聽歌吧!當台語老歌遇上黑膠唱片》,高雄市立歷史博物館,頁6-13。
Brief CV
C. S. Stone SHIH (石 計生)
Professor And Chairman, Department of Sociology
Director, The GIS Innovation and Industrial Incubation Center,
School of Arts and Liberal Sciences
Soochow University
70, Linhsi Rd.,
Shihlin, Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: (02) 2881-9471#6108
Fax: (02)
E-mail: cstone@scu.edu.tw
Ph.D. (Sociology), University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
M.A. (Sociology), National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan
B.A. (Economics), National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Teaching and Research interests and accomplishments:
Taiwan and East-Asia Cultural Study
Taiwanese Ballad and Pop-Music Study
Social Geographic Information Systems
Urbanization and Cross-cultural space study
Sociology of Art, particularly on Music and Poetry
Sociological Theory
Quantitative and Qualitative: Comparative Social Research Methods
Awards and Honors
The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society (1993)
Soochow University Research Prize (2009)
Tsinghua University (China), Guest Professor (2005)
Nanjing University (China), Guest Professor (2008-2013)
Consultant to Ci Xin Waldorf School, International Research on Rudolf Steiner Education Foundation (2012)
Authored Books
SHIH,C. S. Stone, 2014.01.1,Modern Song: Chi Lu-Shyia and the Era of
Taiwanese Ballad. Taipei, Tongshan Book Store, Taiwan.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,Ying Ling Huang, 2010.05,Geographic Information
Sciences: Rediscovering Our ‘Cool’ Society, Research on the Humanist, Historical and Social Spatially Integrated Humanities. Taipei: Scholar Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2009.09,Sociology. Taipei: San Ming Books Co. Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2009.05, Karl Marx School: Studying the Economic
Theory with a Social Paradigm View. Taipei: Tonson Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2007.08,Humanist Social Geographic Information
Systems: Theory, Data and MajorGIS Interpretation (third editions). Taipei: Scholar Books Co. Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2007.06, Social Geographic Information Systems and
ArcGIS Research Teaching.Taipei: ScholarBooks Co. Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2007.03, The Phantom of Reading: In Search of the
Post-Walter Benjamin’s Spirit. Taipei: Socio Publishing.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2006.09, Social Science Research and SPSS Data
Analysis: Application of Taiwan’s Data Base(second edition). Taipei: Yeh Yeh Books Co. Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2006.01, Sociological Theory: From Classic to the
Postmodern. Taipei: San Ming Publishing.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2003.09, Art and Society: Aesthetic Illumination of
Reading Walter Benjamin . Taipei: Left Culture Publishing.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2000.12, I-Lan County’s Social Economic History. Taiwan,
I-Lan: I-Lan County State Publishing.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,Cheng Liang Chi, Ying Ling Huang, 2011.03,Representation, Bridging and Interpretation: On the Realization of Social Geographic Information Systems. Pp. 17-32, In: Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Sciences. Beijing: Science Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2008.11, Postmodern Taiwan: Political Democracy and
the Melting Society. In: Cross Border: Fluency and Sustainable Taiwan Society. Pp. 343-370, Taipei: Group Books Co. Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2008.09,Digital Technology on Field Research: an
Example of Taoist Pilgrimage, SangYuTemple, Taipei. Pp. 289-373, Beijing: Culture and Art Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2008.07,‘Unspoken Secret’ in Popular Music. In:
Urban China. Pp. 65-66, Beijing: Urban China Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2007.06,The Sociology of Geographic Information Systems.
In: Sociology: Multicity, Justice, Democracy and Scientific Risk. Pp.
163-179. National Taiwan University Publication.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, 2014.12,Exploring Taiwan’s Forbidden Songs Era via
Gilles Deleuze Theory: The ‘Rizometic’ Becoming of Song Books
(1945-1990). Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 17, pp. 384-424(CSSCI,
Nanjing University ).
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2012.05,Contesting Urban and Rural Space in Desakota Regions of Taiwan — A Case Study of I-Lan County, Environment and Urbanization ASIA, May, Sage Publication, (accepted)
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2012.03,Dwadieudia Heterotopia: the ‘Michel Foucault’s Question’ in Urban Cultural History. Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies,Vol. 86(TSSCI, accepted).
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2011.12,Taiwan’s Ballad as a ‘Mainstream Song of the Period’:the Shanghai and Other Mixed-blood Influence of Music Taipei, 1930-1960. Taiwanese Journal of Sociology, September, Vol. 47, pp. 91-141(TSSCI).
SHIH,C. S. Stone,Cheng Liang Chi, 2011.06,The Exploration of Social Space at Eastern Taiwan, I-Lan County,1996-2007.Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 8, pp. 82-102(CSSCI, Nanjing University ).
SHIH,C. S. Stone,Shi Hua Chu, 2010.10, Duadieudia Heterotopia: The Frontier of Digital Archive and Urban Culture Study. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference of Digital Archival Geographic Information, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, p.59-88.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, 2009.11,The Feeling Structure in Social Environment: Research on the Performing History of Singing Diva Chi Lu-Shyia and Taiwan’s Folk Song. Journal of Social Theory(CSSCI, Beijing University ), Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 433-477.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, 2009,Digitalizing Taiwan’s Misora Hibari: The singing queen Chi Lu-shiya and the Reconstruction of her Music and Society in 1960s. Kinda Akihiro, Komeie Taisaku(eds.):Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of historical geographies, Kyoto, 2009. Japan: Kyoto University Press, p.55-56, 2009.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,Yin Ling Huang, 2009.10, The Spatial Exploration on the ‘Media Loops’ of Taiwan Ballad in the Great Taipei Cities. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference of Digital Archival Geographic Information, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, p.1-22.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,2008.10, Exploring Taiwan’s Digital Archival Geographic Information in the Humanist-social Dimension and Value-added Data—with the View of Constructing Digital Archival City. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference of Digital Archival Geographic Information, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, p.37-66.
SHIH,C. S. Stone,Yin Ling Huang, 2008, Reflection on Digital Archival Education as a Phenomenon of Cultural Globalization. Educational Resources and Research, Vol. 83, pp.135-152.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, 2004, Spatial Displacement of Globalizing Shihlin’s Industrial Ecology—A Geographic Information Systems Approach. Soochow Journal of Sociology, June No. 16, pp.99-148.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Urban Space, Mapping and Taiwan Pop-Music in
History—an Application of GIS’. The Annual Conference of the 2012
Chinese Association of Mapping, 27, October, 2012. 大孝館質樸廳,
Chinese Culture University, Taiwan.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Digitalized Enka-stylish Taipei: The Japanese Cultural
Space of Taiwanese Ballad’s Imaginary’. The International GIS Seminar
for GIS and Digital Humanities. 13, March, 2012, 歷史都市防災研究センタ
― , Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Rethinking GIS as a Method for Sociology’, Cross-
Border/Dialogue: the International Conference for Natural and Humanist
Spacial Information, 15-16, July, 2005, International Conference Hall, Dung
Nan Technological University, Taoyuian, Taiwan.
-Invited lectures
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Spatializing Taiwan Ballad: On the Dwadieudia in Japanese Colonial Era and the Ballad Theory of Cheng Chu-yu.’ 18, May, 2015, Centre for GIS, RCHSS, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Research Method and Outcome of the ‘Modern Song:
Chi Lu-Shyia and Taiwan Ballad Era.’ 28, May, Department of
Geography, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Post-modernism and Theories of Sociology of Art : On
P. Bourdieu、G. Deleuze、Michel Foucault and M. Blanchot.’ 28, June-8,
July, 2013, Department of Sociology, Nanging University, Nanging, China.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Taiwan Ballad as a Modern Song: the Phantom of
Shanghai and Other Influences on Musical Taipei, 1930-1960 ’. 27,
August, 2011, Institute of Urban Social-Cultural Geography, Shanghai
University, Shanghai, China.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Virtual City Culture: on the Digital Musical Library of
Taiwan Singing King Huang Yi-Fong.’ 31, August, 2011, Institute of
Urban Social-Cultural Geography, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Virtual City Culture: on the Digital Musical Library of
Taiwan Singing King Huang Yi-Fong.’ 31, August, 2011, Institute of
Urban Social-Cultural Geography, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Urban Culture Study for Urban Space, Urban
Pop-Music and Body in City.’ 4-20, July, 2010, Three Weeks Lecture
Classes in Department of Sociology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Urban Space and Taiwan Pop Music in History—an GIS
Application.’ 27, November, 2009,逸夫貳樓學術會議廳, Institute of History
and Geography, Beijing University, Beijing, China.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Dwadieudia Heterotopias: a GIS Reflection on Social
Space’, The 3th Forum of Digital Archival GIS International Conference,
24-25 Oct. 2010, International Conference Hall, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan.
SHIH,C. S. Stone, ‘Digital Humanities and Social GIS’, The 4th Digital Earth International Conference, 20-21 May 2006, International Conference Hall, The Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Organizer and Lecturer of ドキュメンタリー上映、ミニコンサート&座談会「台湾歌謡と昭和ポップスの蜜月時代-周藍萍・紀露霞をめぐって」日時:2015年7月17日(金)18:00~21:00場所:愛知芸術文化センター12階アートスペースA(名古屋市中区); シンポジウム「台湾流行歌謡-日本・中国との文化的交錯」日時:2015年7月18日(土)10:00~18:00場所:文系総合館7階カンファレンスホール組織台灣歌謠與日本流行歌的甜蜜交錯,日本名古屋大學2015。http://cstone.idv.tw/?p=4494
Invited and attended the 2008 Meeting of the Taiwan Sociology Conference: Organized panel entitled, “City Space and Historical Memory: Constructing GIS New Vision ” (Dec. 13-14, Academic Sinica, Taipei)
Invited and attended the 2007 Meeting of the Taiwan Social Informatics Conference: Organized panel entitled, “Network Culture and Theory ” (Nov. 16-17 , National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu)
Invited and attended the 2006 Meeting of the Taiwan Social Informatics Conference: Organized panel entitled, “Research and Application: Geographic Information Systems ” (Oct. 22-23 , National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu)
Invited and attended the 2006 Meeting of the 4th Digital Earth International Conference: Organized panel entitled, ” Humanities, Social Science and Spatial Information ” (May 18-19, Chinese Culture University, Taipei)
Invited and attended the 19thInternational Meeting of the Pacific Regional Science Conference (2004): Organized panel entitled, “Information Society, City Space and GIS ” (July 25-28, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)
Invited and attended the 19th International Meeting of the Pacific Regional Science Conference (2004): Organized panel entitled, ” El Nino Impact, Leisure/Health and Landscape Consumption in Cities ” (July 25-28, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)
Invited and attended ASIA GIS 2001–Collaboration through GIS in the Internet Era Center for Spatial Information Science: Organized panel entitled, ” Spatial Analysis and Humanist Social Science ” (June 20-22,The University of Tokyo, Japan)
1. Taiwan’s Ballad in the Japanese Colonial Era
2. Cross-cultural Study in Music and History of East Asia
3. Comparative Urban Space: Shanghai and Taipei
4. Digital Archive using GIS and VR.
5. History and Spatial Focusing (quantitative-GIS-qualitative) Method