【最後修正版】2006藝術社會學研討會暨T. J. Clark & Anne Wagner Workshop

2006藝術社會學研討會暨T. J. Clark & Anne Wagner Workshop


※ 請注意:最後修正版的議程時間、發表人和討論人均有變動。


◎ 藝術社會學研討會大會議程


研 討 會 大 會 議 程
時 間 參與人員/內容
08:20 ~ 08:50 報  到
08:50 ~ 09:00 開幕式/主持人:李有成(中央研究院歐美研究所所長)
09:00 ~ 10:15
專題演講人:T. J. Clark(加州大學柏克萊分校藝術史學系教授)
講   題:Art History in an Age of Image-Machines
10:15 ~ 10:20主持人:何文敬(中央研究院歐美研究所研究員)
10:20 ~ 10:40
講 題:時間之演繹:從江詩丹頓紀念錶賞析歐洲製錶工藝
10:40 ~ 10:50 討論人:吳方正(國立中央大學藝術學研究所教授)
10:50 ~ 11:10 茶  敘
11:10 ~ 11:20 主持人:夏鑄九(國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所所長)
11:20 ~ 11:40

講 題:阿爾伯堤到拉斐爾在義大利文藝復興庭園藝術之奠基與影響
11:40 ~ 11:50 討論人:徐明松(銘傳大學建築系講師)
11:50 ~ 12:10
講 題:波特萊爾與馬內
12:10 ~ 12:20 討論人:劉巧楣(國立臺灣大學歷史學系助理教授)
12:20 ~ 12:40 綜合討論/主持人:李有成(中央研究院歐美研究所所長)
12:40 ~ 13:40 午餐休息時間
13:40 ~ 13:55 主持人:劉紀蕙(國立交通大學社會與文化研究所教授)
13:55 ~ 14:15
講 題:德國藝術史學之新徑-作為藝術學的影像學與媒體藝術
14:15 ~ 14:25 討論人:許瀞月(台北市立教育大學視覺藝術研究所副教授)
14:25 ~ 14:45
講 題:空間故事與美學之用:寶藏巖泡茶照相館計畫
14:45 ~ 14:55 討論人:王志弘(世新大學社會發展研究所副教授)
14:55 ~ 15:15
講 題:生命史、性別意識及其政治-論當代中國女性藝術家的陰性書寫
15:15 ~ 15:25 討論人:謝鴻均(國立新竹教育大學藝術與設計學系暨美勞教育研究所教授)
15:25 ~ 15:45 茶  敘
15:45 ~ 15:55 主持人:章英華(中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心主任)
15:55 ~ 16:15
講 題:圓現象閱讀:三島由紀夫與其小說《豐饒之海》的輪迴美學
16:15 ~ 16:25討論人:高天恩(財團法人語言訓練測驗中心主任,台大外文系教授)

16:25 ~ 16:45
講 題:見證:藝術的一個政治向度-感受關達那摩營與巴格達地牢
16:45 ~ 16:55 討論人:陳儒修(國立政治大學廣播電視學系副教授)
16:55 ~ 17:30 綜合討論/主持人:章英華(中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心主任)
17:30 ~ 19:30 晚  宴

時 間 參與人員/內容
08:30 ~ 08:50 報 到
08:50 ~ 09:00 主持人:單德興(中央研究院歐美研究所副所長)
09:00 ~ 10:10
專題演講人:Anne Middleton Wagner(加州大學柏克萊分校藝術史學系教授)
講   題:Jasper Johns, the Nation, and the Flag
10:10 ~ 10:20 主持人:譚康榮(中央研究院歐美研究所副研究員)
10:20 ~ 10:40

發表人:Michael P. Farrell(紐約州立大學水牛城分校社會學系教授)
講 題:藝術世界中的協力圈:威廉‧莫里斯與其美術工藝社群之案例研究
10:40 ~ 10:50 討論人:金嬉英(韓國漢陽大學校應用藝術教育學系助理教授)
10:50 ~ 11:10
講 題:林內爾與古人會
11:10 ~ 11:20 討論人:楊永源(國立台灣師範大學美術系教授)
11:20 ~ 11:45 茶 敘
11:45 ~ 11:50 主持人:周芳美(國立中央大學藝術學研究所所長)
11:50 ~ 12:10
講 題:何謂傳統:馬壽華與傳統國畫的復興
12:10 ~ 12:20 討論人:王正華(中央研究院近代史研究所助研究員)
12:20 ~ 12:40 綜合討論/主持人:單德興(中央研究院歐美研究所副所長)
12:40 ~ 13:40 午餐休息時間
13:40 ~ 13:50 主持人:石守謙(中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員)
13:50 ~ 14:10
講 題:國立故宮博物院與佛教藝術的展示
14:10 ~ 14:20 討論人:顏娟英(中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員)
14:20 ~ 14:40

講 題:相遇在異鄉:從博物館國際流動展的越洋流動參觀者
14:40 ~ 14:50 討論人:古明君(國立清華大學當代中國研究中心博士後研究)
14:50 ~ 15:10 茶 敘
15:10 ~ 15:20 主持人:傅仰止(中央研究院社會學研究所所長)
15:20 ~ 15:40
講 題:認識《觀眾學》-論「藝術社會學」和「社會學的藝術研究」
15:40 ~ 15:50 討論人:蘇碩斌(世新大學社會心理學系助理教授)
15:50 ~ 16:10
講 題:美術館導覽的自我搬演:一個藝術社會學的研究個案
16:10 ~ 16:20 討論人:李丁讚(國立清華大學社會學研究所教授)
16:20 ~ 16:55 綜合討論/主持人:傅仰止(中央研究院社會學研究所所長)
16:55 ~ 17:05 閉 幕 式
T. J. Clark & Anne Wagner Workshop
時 間 參與人員/內容
13:30 ~ 14:00 報 到
14:00 ~ 15:20 T. J. Clark & Anne Wagner Workshop
15:20 ~ 15:40 茶 敘
15:40 ~ 17:00 T. J. Clark & Anne Wagner Workshop

17 November 2006 (Friday)
Time Programme
08:20 ~ 08:50 Registration
08:50 ~ 09:00
Welcome Remarks/Chairperson: Yu-cheng Lee
(Director, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
09:00 ~ 10:15 Keynote Speaker: T. J. Clark (George C and Helen N. Pardee Professor of History of Art, University of California, Berkeley)
Title: Art History in an Age of Image-Machines
10:15 ~ 10:20 Chairperson: Wen-Ching Ho (Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
10:20 ~ 10:40 Speaker: Jia-You Sheu (Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
Title: Elaborating Time: Analyzing and Appreciating the Arts and Craftsmanship of the European Watchmaking via Vacheron Constantin’s Commemorative Watches
10:40 ~ 10:50 Discussant: Fang-cheng Wu (Professor, Graduate Institute of Art Studies, National Central University)
10:50 ~ 11:10 Tea Break
11:10 ~ 11:20 Chairperson: Chu-Joe Hsia (Director, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University)
11:20 ~ 11:40 Speaker: Chang-Jui Chen (Lecturer, Department of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Culture University)
Title: The Foundations and Influences of Italian Renaissance Gardens from Leon Battista Alberti to Santi Raphael: A Gaze from the Sociology of Arts
11:40 ~ 11:50 Discussant: Ming-Song Shyu (Lecturer, Department of Architecture Design, Ming Chuan University)
11:50 ~ 12:10 Speaker: Hung-Yi Chen (Assistant Professor, Institute of Aesthetics and Arts Management, Nanhua University)
Title: Baudelaire and Manet
12:10 ~ 12:20 Discussant: Chiao-Mei Liu (Assistant Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University)
12:20 ~ 12:40 Discussion/Chairperson: Yu-cheng Lee
(Director, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
12:40 ~ 13:40 Lunch Break

17 November 2006 (Friday)
13:40 ~ 13:55
Joyce C. H. Liu (Professor, Graduate Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University)
13:55 ~ 14:15
Li-Qing Dai (Professor, Department of Fine Arts, National Changhua University of Education)
A New Perspective on Art History Studies in Germany: Image-Science and Media Art as Art Science
14:15 ~ 14:25 Discussant: Ching-yeh Hsu (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Visual Arts, Taipei Municipal University of Education)
14:25 ~ 14:45
Shao-Chien Tseng (Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Art Studies, National Central University)
The Spatial Story and Aesthetic Use: The Treasure Hill Tea + Photo Project
14:45 ~ 14:55 Discussant: Chih-hung Wang (Associate Professor, Graduate School for Social Transformation Studies, Shih-Hsin University)
14:55 ~ 15:15
Cheng-Lin Chang (Lecturer, Center for General Education, National United University)

Life History, Gender Consciousness and their Politics - Interpreting on “l’écriture féminine” of Contemporary Chinese Female Artists
15:15 ~ 15:25 Discussant: Hong-Juin Shieh (Professor, Department of Arts and Design & Graduate Institute of Fine Art and Crafts Education, National Hsinchu University of Education)
15:25 ~ 15:45 Tea Break
15:45 ~ 15:55
Ying-Hwa Chang (Executive Director, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica)
15:55 ~ 16:15
C. S. Stone Shih (Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Soochow University)
Title: Tao-phenomena Reading - Essay on the Reincarnation Aesthetics of Mishima Yukio’s The Sea of Fertility
16:15 ~ 16:25
Discussant: Tien-en Kao (Executive Director, The Language Training and Testing Center)

16:25 ~ 16:45
Yuan-Horng Chu (Director, The Graduate Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University)
Witness: a Political Dimension of Art: with Special Reference to the Guantanamo Camp and Abu Ghraib Prison
16:45 ~ 16:55 Discussant: Ru-Shou Robert Chen (Associate Professor, Department of Radio & Television & Graduate Program, National Chengchi University)
16:55 ~ 17:30
Discussion/Chairperson: Ying-Hwa Chang
(Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)
17:30 ~ 19:30 Dinner Banquet
18 November 2006 (Saturday)
Time Programme
08:30 ~ 08:50 Registration
08:50 ~ 09:00 Chairperson: Te-Hsing Shan (Deputy Director, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
09:00 ~ 10:10 Keynote Speaker: Anne Middleton Wagner (Professor, Department of History of Art,
University of California, Berkeley)
Title: Jasper Johns, the Nation, and the Flag
10:10 ~ 10:20 Chairperson: Tony Tam (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
10:20 ~ 10:40 Speakers: Michael P. Farrell (Professor, Department of Sociology, State University of New York at Buffalo)
Yi-Ping Shih (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology, State University of New York at Buffalo)
Title: Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Circles in the Arts: The Case of the Arts and Crafts Circle of William Morris
10:40 ~ 10:50 Discussant: Hee-Young Kim (Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Art Education, Hanyang University, Korea)
10:50 ~ 11:10 Speaker: Shwu-Ching Lee (Associate Professor, History Department, National Chung Cheng University)
Title: John Linnell and the Ancients
11:10 ~ 11:20 Discussant: Yung-Yuan Yang (Professor, Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University)
11:20 ~ 11:45 Tea Break
11:45 ~ 11:50 Chairperson: Fang-mei Chou (Director, Graduate Institute of Art Studies, National Central University)
11:50 ~ 12:10 Speaker: Lin-ting Chiu (Lecturer, Department of History, Soochow University)
Title: An Interpretation of Tradition: Ma Shouhua and the Renaissance of Traditional Chinese Painting
12:10 ~ 12:20 Discussant: Cheng-hua Wang (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica)
12:20 ~ 12:40 Discussion/Chairperson: Te-Hsing Shan
(Deputy Director, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
12:40 ~ 13:40 Lunch Break

18 November 2006 (Saturday)
13:40 ~ 13:50 Chairperson: Shou-chien Shih (Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
13:50 ~ 14:10 Speaker: Jane C. Ju (Associate Professor, Department of History, National Chengchi University)
Title: The National Palace Museum and the Display of Buddhist Art
14:10 ~ 14:20 Discussant: Chuan-ying Yen (Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
14:20 ~ 14:40 Speaker: Chia-Ling Lai (Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Futures Studies, Tamkang University)
Title: Encounters in Another Country: A Study of the Cross-National Art Consumption Based on Mobile Visitors of International Traveling Exhibitions
14:40 ~ 14:50 Discussant: Ming-chun Ku (Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Center for Contemporary China, National Tsing-hua University)
14:50 ~ 15:10 Tea Break
15:10 ~ 15:20 Chairperson: Yang-Chih Fu (Director, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)
15:20 ~ 15:40 Speaker: Christine J. C. Chou (Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Arts, Chinese Culture University)
Title: The Science of the Spectators’ Art ─ on “Art Sociology” and “The Sociology of Art”
15:40 ~ 15:50 Discussant: Shuo-bin Su (Assistant Professor, Department of Social Psychology, Shih-Hsin University)
15:50 ~ 16:10 Speaker: Sheng-jer Huang (Assistant Professor, Department of Social Psychology, Shih-Hsin University)
Title: The Self-Performance of the Guide in Taiwanese Art Museums
16:10 ~ 16:20 Discussant: Ding-Tzann Lii (Professor, Institute of Sociology, National Tsing-hua University)
16:20 ~ 16:55 Discussion/Chairperson: Yang-Chih Fu
(Director, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)
16:55 ~ 17:05 Closing Ceremony
T. J. Clark & Anne Wagner Workshop
19 November 2006 (Sunday)
Time Programme
13:30 ~ 14:00 Registration
Chairperson: Chin-Tao Wu (Assistant Research Fellow,
Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
14:00 ~ 15:20 T. J. Clark & Anne Wagner Workshop
15:20 ~ 15:40 Tea Break
15:40 ~ 17:00 T. J. Clark & Anne Wagner Workshop


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