Professor Stone SHIH: Virtual museum honors folk singer Hung Yi-feng(Taipei Times)

Taipei Times
Virtual museum honors folk singer Hung Yi-feng

Staff Writer, with CNA

A virtual museum documenting the life and creations of Taiwanese singer-songwriter Hung Yi-feng (洪一峰) — at  — provides visitors a glimpse into the world of one of Taiwan’s most famous musicians.


Dubbed “the king of Formosan song,” Hung, born in 1927, had a deep, resonant voice and was a prolific musician.


His debut song, Butterfly Infatuated with Flower, which he wrote at the age of 19, catapulted him to fame. Other classics, such as Memories of an Old Love and The One I’m Missing, are still KTV favorites.


Hung died of pancreatic cancer last year.


用戶插入圖片However, thanks to the Hung Yi-feng Virtual Music Museum launched by Soochow University professor Stone Shih (石計生) and sponsored by the National Science Council, some of his most familiar tunes can be heard online.


“One of the special features of the online museum is that viewers can stroll virtually through each of eight sections in a 3D, sphere-like environment, something that has never been seen before in Taiwanese museums,” Shih said.


The museum allows viewers to listen to 40 classic songs composed by Hung, view 50 pictures of him and see an short animated film.


Shih, who works in the field of geographic information system (GIS) technology, said he first met Hung in 2008 and was touched by the spirit of the artist. In 2009, one of Hung’s sons, Hung Jung-liang (洪榮良), approached Shih about helping establish a digital museum featuring his father’s work.


The virtual museum will be given an English interface if the project receives more funding from the council, Shih said.










◎ 這是一幅流行音樂人李靜美的心靈地圖。當時台北的音樂空間很有語言族群區隔上的意義。以北門為界,以北的寧夏路圓環大稻埕一帶的歌廳夜總會之世界,如金龍、國聲和狄斯角等是屬於台語、日語的被認為較為粗俗,不安全的世界;而北門以南的中華路西門町一帶的夜總會歌廳如麗聲、華聲、新南陽等則屬於可以出唱片的治安較好的國語歌世界。當時藝人總有個夢,從大稻埕轉到西門町去唱歌。這空間的位移除了可以出唱片外,也象徵著身份地位的提高,離上電視主流媒體之路也不遠了。本課程授課老師石計生教授在訪談之際和李靜美女士共同手繪畫出了一張李靜美十七、八歲時(約1970年代)作為「跑碼頭藝人」時跑歌廳趕場的地圖,這是數位化的GIS典藏圖。 資料來源:石計生教授2008-9年國科會『台灣歌謠至民歌轉換之社會研究案』GIS繪圖。本圖疊合現今台北市街道、Google Earth地圖與日據時期的台北城的街町等地圖。地圖為東吳大學GIS技術支援中心所有。