國科會計畫編號: NSC 96-2412-H-031-001
執行期限: 2007/08/01-2008/07/31
Taiwan’s Popular Music as a Spiritual Phenomena-
On the Social Construction of Chi Lu-shiya’s Vocal Performing History (1960 v.s. 1990)
並且,經由批判性文獻回顧後本研究主張,音樂是一種面對現實的態度,這個態度既是社會的、性別的、歷史的、空間的也是屬於地方的,透過歌謠的流傳,其中有豐富的日常生活情感和意識活動著。而因為音樂與社會之間有著「與時俱變」的雙向流動關係,本研究視角上乃從「過去」、「現在」和「比較」的多層次來看音樂作為一種精神現象所引發之諸問題:(1) 1960年代的這些「台語為中心」的曲風與歌詞內容迥異的「混血」歌曲,對於演唱家自己和大眾而言,是否展現的是一種存在於當時台灣社會深層的矛盾?(2) 當演唱家與其聲音所呈現的場域移轉至現在時,伴隨著政治、經濟與社會狀態的改變,歌者、樂迷、音樂載體及文本所呈現的社會輪廓與意識是否會有改變?(3) 以當代和1960年代進行對照比較,再現社會空間中的流行音樂與台灣意識的關係,其音樂所展現的社會構成機制為何?
關鍵字: 台灣歌謠、紀露霞、社會史、台灣意識
Of special interest on the understanding of spiritual transformation of Taiwan’s social history, this research focuses on the study of famous vocal performer, Mrs. Chi Lu-shiya’s popular art works. Not only as an individual achievement, Mrs. Chi ’s performing life also represents an image of social reality. Due to different impact of social forces, each art performance in society of history shows unique path. Thus, the study of Mrs. Chi’s two-stages-performing-history represents a social and musical cultural process in Taiwan.
In advance, after critical reviewing of literatures in the field, this research argues that music is an attitude for facing reality and the attitude is social, gendered, historical, spacial and at the same time local one. It emerges too many feelings and consciousness of daily life through singing and listening. The perspective of two-way-flowing relationships of music and society make the study to see Mrs. Chi’s music as a spiritual phenomena via the past, now and comparative levels to ask the following questions: (1) In the 1960s, were the so called ‘mixed blood songs’ represent a deep dilemma of Taiwan’s society at that time? (2) In the present time, is the social consciousness also changes due to the evolution of material bases of popular music? (3) Comparing the two performing time, what is the mechanism of social constitution with music interaction in social space?
The research thus highlights the intimacy but contradictory relationships of music, performer and society in history. To achieve the goal, this study will use multiple analysis methods including qualitative research and geographic information systems for exploring the reality—the ‘happy’ Taiwan’s consciousness—that might had been distorted and hidden deep in history and to show the complexity and contradiction of Taiwan’s popular music.
Keywords: Taiwan Popular Music、Chi Lu-shiya、Social History、Taiwan’s Consciousness