標籤: C. S. Stone SHIH
美國柏克萊大學Andrew Jones 教授東吳大學流行音樂學術演講
2012 Lecture: Center of Social Geographic Information Systems (SocGIS),
School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Soochow University
題目:迴路型聆聽: 葛蘭與中國1960年代之發端
Circuit Listening: Grace Chang and the Dawn of the Chinese 1960s
講者:安德魯 瓊斯(美國加州柏克萊大學/東亞語言和文化系教授)
Andrew F. Jones (Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures/
University of California, Berkeley)
C. S. Stone SHIH (Director, Center of SocGIS/ Associate Professor, Sociology)
時間: 2012年2月22日 pm 3:30-5:30
地點: 東吳大學外雙谿校區H314教室
C. S. Stone SHIH,2012.5,Contesting Urban and Rural Space in Desakota Regions of Taiwan — A Case Study of I-Lan County, Environment and Urbanization ASIA, May, Sage Publication. (accepted)(Co-author, Cheng Liang Chi)